Technical Textiles
Contract Research, Development & Manufacturing.
Technical textiles are defined as textile materials and products manufactured primarily for their technical performance and functional properties, rather than for their aesthetic and decorative characteristics. Technical textiles are engineered products with a definite functionality which may range from reinforcement, temperature resistance, protection from harsh environments, maintaining dimensional stability, medical filtration, building materials, crop & soil protection etc.
Technical textiles pass stringent quality tests and are manufactured using various man made and natural materials such as polyester, cotton, nylon, spandex, kevlar, meta-aramid, rayon, carbon fibre, glass fibre, blastar, vectran etc.
Depending upon the industry and end use Technical textiles are classified as Agrotex, Buildtex, Clothtex, Geotex, Hometex, Indutex, Medtex, Mobiltex, Oekotex (Ecotex), Packtex, Protex and Sportex.
GD textiles and our group concern Shakti Cords brings to its customers over 40 years of expertise in manufacturing consistent and high quality technical textiles relating to the Indutex, Mobiltex, Geotex and Buildtex domains.
We provide services in research and custom manufacturing of technical textiles to customers across the world.
Be it achieving desired functional characteristics, development of a new product, trouble shooting or cost competitiveness, we endeavour to satisfy all our customer's requirements.
To learn more reach out to us at sales@indtextile.in.